February 10, 2022
Ms. Cassidy Taylor's class is enjoying the sledding hill at the ECC.

December 14, 2021
Thank you to the Fulton family for being our ribbon cutters at the ceremony on December 13, 2021. Only 23 more days before we have our first day of school at the Early Childhood ...

December 6, 2021
December family activity is counting snowflakes.
November 16, 2021
New date and time for the annual Jingle Bell Fun Run. See the registration form at the link below. Jingle Bell Fun Run Form

November 12, 2021
Here is an updated picture of the new ECC. Soon we will be moving boxes over and setting up classrooms. Only 55 days to go before we open on January 6, 2022.
November 12, 2021
Here is some information from the CDC on Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV).
November 12, 2021
HPS - Picture Retake is Wed, November 17. Pictures went home with students this week. If your child was absent on picture day in October, their picture will be on Wednesday, Nov. ...
November 12, 2021
Last month we did a parent survey on information regarding our move to the new building and here are the results.
July 14, 2021
As of July 14, 2021. They are now working on the inside of the building.

March 5, 2020
Are you in need of clothing or food assistance? Owen Intermediate has a clothes closet. Here is the link to get you started: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfDy7aHqfWa...
March 4, 2020
The new 2020 Van Buren Tri-Community Resource Guide is now available.
Here is a link to the guide. Interactive Map - https://vanburen-mi.org/map/
February 4, 2020
Scan the QR code above to learn more about the GSRP program.

October 21, 2019
Please see the attached flyer for bond projects specific to your school.
March 7, 2019
The city and townships got together to create this resource guide. Please keep it handy. It lists all sorts of supports that are out there for a wide-range of needs. Please check ...
June 4, 2018
The Annual Education Report, which provides key information on the 2016-17 school year, is now available. The district report can be found on our website under the "Our District"...