Edgemont Leaders are everywhere!

The Edgemont Winter Express Event is tonight at 6:30pm! Join us while we wait for the Holiday Train with fun indoor activities!! Concessions such as pizza and hot cocoa will be for sale! See you tonight!

Save the date! The Canadian Pacific Holiday Train will be passing by Edgemont!

Join us for ASD Parent Night

Caught being a leader!! Congrats to Bailey and Landon in earning coins for the treasure tower!!

Don't forget to visit the book fair. It is open during school hours and conference times.

Thanks to the Belleville Rotary Club each 3rd grader now has a brand new dictionary!

Some of our amazing staff! Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween!!

Happy Halloween from Mrs. English’s class in costume doing morning announcements

Visit Trunk or Treat at Owen, on Halloween from 4:30-6:30

Pajama Day at Edgemont. Oh how we love Spirit week.

Pajama Day at Edgemont. Oh how we love Spirit week.

Pajama Day at Edgemont. Oh how we love Spirit week.

Pajama Day at Edgemont. Oh how we love Spirit week.

Edgemont Eagle Spirit Week. Crazy hair day

Edgemont Eagle Spirit Week. Crazy hair day

Hungry Howie's Pizza Night is tomorrow, Oct. 18th. Mention your teacher's name when ordering and you could win a pizza party!! Congrats to Mrs. Taylor's class for the most orders in September!

Please remember to bring your boxtops for education to school! The class with the most boxtops will earn a pizza party!!Last day to turn them in is Oct 23rd.

Edgemont Families, Please take 15 minutes to fill out a survey to help us improve our practices:
Parent Leader in Me Survey