Belleville High School Students and Staff will not report today, Monday, October 16, due to a power outage.

Tomorrow is Popcorn Day! The student who buys the most popcorn in the whole school will win a Chuck E Cheese giftcard!

Next week (Oct 16-20) is Edgemont Spirit Week!
Monday: Crazy Hair Day
Tuesday: Backwards Day
Wednesday: Hat Day
Thursday: Pajama Day
Friday: School Colors (wear your Edgemont spirit wear)

ASD Teachers crafting line up circle for recess. #TheLeaderInMe

Edgemont Second grade leaders synergize to stack cups. One awesome team not only had some major synergy going on and finished first, but they then had a win-win mindset and became "coaches" for the other teams to help them complete the challenge! Wonderful job leaders!

And our door decorating contest winner is Ms. Nota's class!! Congrats third graders, you win a juicebox and popcorn party!!

Here are a few of our "Leader in Me" Door Decorating Contest contestants. Winner to be announced later in the day! Classroom will win juiceboxes and popcorn!!

Popcorn Day is TOMORROW!! One student from the top selling class from each grade level will win a FIDGET SPINNER from Ms. Mastie! $0.50 a bag, bring your quarters!

The US constitution as seen through the eyes of Edgemont youth.

The goals of Edgemont 2nd grade students proudly displayed.

This is a friendly reminder for our families that picture day is October 3rd!

Reminder that tomorrow is a half day. School gets out at Noon. Soaring to be the best!

We would like to introduce our new co-op student Donald Brooks! Welcome to Edgemont, Don!!

Constitution Day at Edgemont! Look at some of our amazing teachers sporting red, white, & blue.

Opening day at Edgemont!!! Go Eagles!!

Awesome Edgemont staff engaged in professional learning today!