The staff and students had a great time today! We hope everyone had a safe and fun Halloween! 👻🎃

Ms. Sanford's reading groups practiced their rhyming with a Halloween rhyming activity today! 🎃

Kindergarteners are sorting one and two syllable words to prepare for ta's and titi's. Great job, friends! 🎵

Trenton Foley: Student of the Week!! Congrats!

Ms. Nota's class is working hard during language arts centers! ✏📚👏

Congratulations to Mrs. Leaym, Mrs. Yurcak, and Mrs. English for receiving tenure at the school board meeting tonight!

Congratulations to our Student of the Week: Gavin Gray!

Pumpkinfest is this Friday, October 26th from 6:00-8:00pm here at Edgemont! Join us for a fun evening of costumes, dancing, games, raffles, and concessions. Pre-sale tickets are $1 per person or $2 at the door. All children must be with an adult - no drop offs!

Check out how this student used engineering ideas to construct a free standing tower with just 25 blocks. She put lighter blocks on the top so it would not tip over and created a solid base for it. Great thinking!

Ms. Bateman's class loves math! Keep up the good work! 😁

BHS Marching Tigers is one of this week's 4Frenzy Best Marching Band Top 10! Vote them into number one! https://tinyurl.com/votebhsbands

Mrs. Taylor's kindergarten class is working hard on writing! ✏

It's picture day and Mrs. Bateman's class is all smiles! 😁

Ms. Leaym's class is working hard at literacy centers!

Edgemont leaders are ready for a great day! 😁

BHS Student Council presents an evening of fun for elementary students on Friday, September 28. The flyer has more details about this annual fun event: http://5il.co/4x70

4th graders are hard at work! 👍📚

Our first day of school for 1st-4th grade is Tuesday, Sept 4th! It will be a half day with a dismissal time of 11:57am.

Let us know your thoughts on changing school colors and mascots for Owen & McBride https://goo.gl/forms/4dhRGubTUpy5E8AP2

We are looking for a full time position for a mechanic/ courier. Apply at https://www.applitrack.com/resa/onlineapp/jobpostings/view.asp?district=1771&category=Maintenance%2FCustodial