Yoga Jule has partnered with VBPS in many of our Wellness Challenges.
Please check out the website if you are interested in learning more about the benefits of yoga!

Van Buren Public Schools is proud to offer our employees a FREE membership to Pryde Athletics! All VBPS employees can enjoy two free classes a week during the school year to Pryde, located in Canton. Please click the link on the left to check out Pryde Athletics website!
Over 50 VBPS employees took advantage of the Free Flu Clinic offered by Rite Aid at the Back to School Breakfast! If you were not able to make it to the flu clinic, you can simply stop by Rite Aid (located at 51341 W. Huron River Dr., Belleville, MI 48111), show your insurance card, and receive a free flu shot.

2019 Wellness Challenge Winners

2018 Wellness Challenge Winners