BHS Homecoming Game - Friday 10/6 at 7 p.m. Join us for the tailgate before the game (5:00-7:00 p.m.) to reminisce, eat good food, purchase spirit wear and enjoy our VBPS community!

Reminder: There is a meeting at 6p tonight in the Mcbride Cafeteria for all interested parents regarding the spring Washington DC trip. No need to come if you’re already signed up. Feel free to come if you have questions, though!

Thrillshare training with incredible VBPS K - 12 Staff!!

Many thanks to our wonderful bus drivers and aides for their hard work and dedication to the students of Van Buren Public Schools! Also thank you to our parents and students for your patience while we work through all of the new stops and students on the routes!

E-spark training with iPads for some of our K - 2 teachers!

Great first day at Van Buren Public Schools!

We look forward to seeing our GSRP families tomorrow at the Stay & Play starting at 9:00 followed by a brief orientation meeting at 10:00.

School starts this Tuesday, September 5th. Half-day only! We are looking forward to seeing you!

VBPS teachers and staff learning together https://youtu.be/xNSGGMdwnqs

VBPS staff diving deep into brain engaged classrooms to increase student achievement and excitement.

Back to school at Tyler checking out new teacher's lounge!

First day back checking out Tyler's new teacher lounge!

Preparing for tonight's Board Meeting at BHS.

Having a great training with our amazing secretaries!!!

Training with Central Office and District Departments.

Thank you District PTO for all of your hard work for our students!

Going live soon....

Here's the 17-18 calendar! http://5il.co/1efc

Training is live!

The VBPS 2017-18 school year calendar is now available. http://5il.co/1efc